Reflective Publication

Ishaan Ambavane s3974026

The goal is to produce a reflective publication, a tangible artifact that will encapsulate the knowledge I've accumulated throughout my time in this studio. It's not a mere report detailing what I've done, but rather a profound exploration of how and where my design practice has evolved.

With each step in this process, I am not only developing my design skills but also honing my ability to reflect as a practitioner of design. This journey involves recognizing and articulating the insights I've gained, both visually and through the written word. It is an opportunity to delve deeper into the nuances of my work, understanding not just the "what" but the "how" and the "why."

The heart of this undertaking is the "reflective publication." It is more than just a compilation of projects and assignments; it is a testament to my growth as a designer. It serves as a mirror reflecting the progress I've made, the hurdles I've overcome, and the ideas that have taken root within my creative mind.

Studio Projects

UX design: SDGs explorer for the City of Melbourne
Identity Design for Startups with RMIT Activator
Studio Knowledge Object (SKO)
Building New Audiences With The State Library of Victoria


Ishaan Ambavane

I am known by the name Ishaan Ketan Ambavane in this world. I am a creative professional who has been designing visuals for industries spanning from TV and Film, Hospitality, and Fashion to much more complicated fields such as Acoustics. I aspire to inspire the community through my design practice which I vividly express on Instagram.

I am a proud Indian from the state of Maharashtra and deeply rooted in its cultures and traditions. I have been a drummer since the earliest days of childhood and continue to sink into the craft to detach from the overwhelming complexities of the world.

Design to me is a part of everyday life. My design practice is influenced by nature, architecture, things, and people around me. I use it as a medium to relax and make a living at the same time. My love for design traces back to my childhood days when I used to go to construction sites with my father. The curiosity of knowing how things are built, and the beauty of rustic materials and unfinished spaces always fascinated me. It still does.

“Limitations are Liberating”. All my life, I have followed this principle to its fullest extent. Being a self-taught designer, this very principle has been validated countless times through all the aspects of my life. A good network of people and a purpose-driven vision is all it takes to solve the biggest problems. Jordan Peterson says in the book 12 Rules of Life (Peterson, 2018), “The tragedy of Being is the consequence of our limitations and the vulnerability defining human experience. It may even be the price we pay for Being itself since existence must be limited, to be at all.” I continue to grow as a designer while knowing my limitations and aspiring to make positive contributions to the world.